Feeling old?
The assignment for week 3 said "Longetivity". Like many of the writing prompts in this series, it can be interpreted in a number of ways. Was it the longest marriage? The longest one family lived in one area? The oldest person in the family tree? Could be any or all of these things. Truth is, though, the first thing I thought of when I saw the word was a person in my husband's family tree. Records of his life, particularly his early life, are sketchy. That's mostly because of the time period when he was born.The truth is, his life is still something of a mystery and a puzzle, despite me trying to revisit my research on occasion and learn more. I "met" him in the most ordinary way, at least for a genealogist. I was tracing my husband's family tree, and since it was in the years before children (B.C. - ha!) we had the luxury of running off to far flung areas to track down records or forgotten cemeteries in search of long ago relatives. We were traveling ...