Getting started
I came across an old idea while wandering through memories on Facebook the other day. It was a writing challenge called "52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks", and was put together by Certified Genealogist Amy Johnson Crow. Each week, participants are given a broad theme to use as a writing prompt for sharing their family history research with others. On week, it might be a favorite photo. Another week, it might be a strong woman. The main thing is to get your information out there to the folks that will be most interested in hearing about it.
Genealogy is one of those things ... you start out thinking, "Oh, I'm just trying to find *this* answer." Pretty soon, it grows. And grows. And before long people are looking at you sideways, because you're talking about spending all of your spare time in cemeteries, or surrounded by piles of dusty books. And despite it all, you love it, because you know that somewhere out there is that one elusive piece of information that will turn "history" into "family".
We all know that we had ancestors that came before us. We all know things that we learned in history class. But when we can say our great-great-great grandfather fought in a particular battle during the Civil War, or survived a tornado, or lived to the unlikely age of 120, it suddenly makes the past come alive. Instead of saying this person was born on this date and died on that date, they suddenly become real to us ... they lived in a time and place that was different than us, and yet much the same. Like us they had joys and sorrows. They dreamed of a future for themselves and their children. They faced danger and adventure and whatever life threw at them, and they passed that collective knowledge on to us.
In many ways, we are shaped by the lives that were lived before us. And we, in turn, shape the lives of those who come after. What amazing things can we learn from our forefathers, and teach to our children? I hope that, as we go along, if you have stories, information, or photos to share that can be added to my posts that you will pass them along. I'd love to hear from you!
Genealogy is one of those things ... you start out thinking, "Oh, I'm just trying to find *this* answer." Pretty soon, it grows. And grows. And before long people are looking at you sideways, because you're talking about spending all of your spare time in cemeteries, or surrounded by piles of dusty books. And despite it all, you love it, because you know that somewhere out there is that one elusive piece of information that will turn "history" into "family".
We all know that we had ancestors that came before us. We all know things that we learned in history class. But when we can say our great-great-great grandfather fought in a particular battle during the Civil War, or survived a tornado, or lived to the unlikely age of 120, it suddenly makes the past come alive. Instead of saying this person was born on this date and died on that date, they suddenly become real to us ... they lived in a time and place that was different than us, and yet much the same. Like us they had joys and sorrows. They dreamed of a future for themselves and their children. They faced danger and adventure and whatever life threw at them, and they passed that collective knowledge on to us.
In many ways, we are shaped by the lives that were lived before us. And we, in turn, shape the lives of those who come after. What amazing things can we learn from our forefathers, and teach to our children? I hope that, as we go along, if you have stories, information, or photos to share that can be added to my posts that you will pass them along. I'd love to hear from you!
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